Dezember 2024
Künstler: Santiago
Meet The Artist:
First and foremost, Santiago is an artist. Santiago is non-verbal, so he uses art to express himself. Santiago also has Down syndrome and autism. As such, art is an extremely important form of therapy in Santiago’s life. Santiago’s work is focused on abstract art. His mediums include gesso, acrylics, oil paint, oil pastel, charcoal, and more. At age 16, Santiago spends his time between Los Angeles (California) and Colombia. He enjoys learning about new art forms, and improving his skills by practicing new techniques. Santiago’s muses are often the ocean, swimming, and anything water related. Other inspiration is drawn from a neutral but warm color palette. The Good Cause: When buying an original painting or an art print, the proceeds directly support Santiago’s art career and also his special needs care. SantiagoMakesArt is run by Santiago’s family team. Santiago’s parents and siblings are incredibly proud of him, and they want him to have the best life possible, while sharing his story with the world. Text from Santiago Makes Art website (see below) |
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