01. Dezember 2016 - 4. Januar 2017
Titel des Schaukastenbildes: Angels of Music 1, 2013
Technik: Pastel und gold leaf on paper Maler: Angela Burchill, Cork, Ireland Angela Burchill lebt in Bandon (Irland) und arbeitet seit 2008 als Künstlerin im Mayfield Kunsthaus Cork. Für ihre vielfältigen Arbeiten entwickelte sie einen lebhaften unverwechselbaren Stil. Insbesondere erstellt sie Porträts, die sie oft in Pastell auf Papier oder Holz ausführt. Ein Thema taucht immer wieder in ihren Darstellungen auf und das sind Figuren aus der christlichen Ikonographie, die durch den Einsatz von Blattgold einen besonderen Wert erfahren. "Mich inspirieren Menschen und Orte, die ich bei meinen Reisen entdecke" Angela Burchill is from Bandon, Co. Cork and has been employed as an artist in residence at Mayfield Arts since 2008 as part of Cúig studio programme. Angela has embraced a range of subjects, developing a unique and vivid style. She is prolific at drawing individual and group portraits, working primarily with pastel pencils on paper and treated wood. Angela is also especially inspired by religious iconography, producing distinct and delicate work, incorporating gold leaf into her pieces. ‘I am inspired by the people and places I see in my travels’ We met Angela whilst taking part in a symposium organised as part of in Cork, Ireland. Joanne then visited her at Mayfield Arts Centre where Angela works. More information can be found at
Angela was also involved in the Channel 3 Project this year. Channel 3 Project presents 3 days of Action! An exhibition showcase of international films made by artists working in supported studios. Cúig artists Mayfield Arts, Rocket Artists Brighton and Outsider Art Atelier Amsterdam will come together for a three day event at Onca Gallery Brighton as part of our Erasmus+ international partnership. |
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